So, I passed off a bottle of beer batch two to a friend at a local cafe – he said it was the best beer he’s ever tasted. Me thinks he needs to get out more often, perhaps try a place that doesn’t serve big-named American beers. Batch three is ready but untested – need… Read More

So, I tried another brew – Weizenbier with my mini-beer kit.  Unfortunately, my assistant was not here!  Watching the birth of his child or some unlikely excuse.  Thus, I didn’t get the batch correctly made the first time.  About an hour later, I remembered that I forgot to mix in some boosters.  since it was… Read More

I recently acquired a system of brewing beer, something called Mr Beer. It’s a cheap kit and what the heck, I don’t have the enough room for a full-size adult kit. So, I’ll use my plastic children’s toy to make a brew. The first recipe is Vienna Lager. Baseball and hockey on the over-the-air HDTV, a few… Read More