I have a QNAP TS-653A NAS Drive that I use for storing most of my files, including terabytes of images, iTunes collection, etc, etc. Basically, lots of data. But, how do load it up quickly from all of these external drives full of jpgs I have still lying around. It is quicker to copy the… Read More

Announcement: Image Location & Privacy Scanner v0.3 I have completed a large update of the Image Location Scanner software; so many new features in fact, it gets a new name: “Image Location & Privacy Scanner”. It now detect serial number from the cameras in scanned images and even the camera owner’s name from some Canon… Read More

For large set of reasons, I have decided to move my blog site from the confines of WordPress to a different hosting solution; thus, http://veggiespam.wordpress.com becomes http://veggiespam.com. WordPress.com has a great advantage: preexisting userbase and by moving the site to differently-hosted, I am giving that up. Since I get few comments on my public and… Read More

How To Track Down Your Ex(if) Adding Jpeg Exif detection to your penetration regiment and learning how to practice Safe (s)Exif Abstract:  We unintentionally distribute GPS data with every photograph, including indoor pictures. This talk will describe a real-world scenario involving remote education site where teachers & students exposed their confidential home address via profile… Read More

If you haven’t heard, 15 July 2014 is the last day to submit comments to the FCC about Net Neutrality. You can read what people have said on this page and submit your own comments over here on 14-28. Basically, the cable companies argue that they need to get rid of Net Neutrality so they… Read More

I would like to express my thanks for each and every one of you who gave me a nomination for the ISC^2 Board of Directors.  Unfortunately, I did not get enough endorsements to meet the ISC^2 minimum, but let’s look at what did happen: I am not a blogger by any stretch I have zero… Read More

At the encouragement of many friends, I have decided to throw my hat in the ring and become a member of the ISC^2 Board of Directors, an organization for computer security professionals, who sponsor the CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) certification.  The first step is to get 500 confirmed ISC^2 members to nominate me.… Read More

Note: updated 2013-01-07 per suggestions from h0lleyb. Scenario: long trip, ADHD viewing practices, filled iPad to capacity, no wifi/cell.  Whether whiny husband or child, here’s how to add movies to your iPad at 40,000 feet. The trick is to use SD memory cards for offline storage of the movies and transfer them to the iPad… Read More

There are a few bills going through Congress right now and I encourage you to write you congress-critter to voice your opposition. They are: H.R.3261 – Stop Online Piracy Act S.968 – Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011 H.R.1981 – Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act… Read More

So, I’m slow.  I’m finally getting around to the last bit of pictures from Hurricane Irene, only a few months late.  Lots more pictures located here: veggiespam.com/foto/Hurricane-Irene-Monday/ for your viewing pleasure. There are basement pictures, street aftermath, even a guest appearance from our controversy-free mayor. The last one was slightly sarcastic if you didn’t notice.… Read More